A Guide to Girls’ Day — Germany’s Female (STEM) Careers Initiative

Girls’ Day — Germany’s Female (STEM) Careers Initiative takes place every April, empowering female students to explore traditionally male-dominated professions. But what exactly is it about?

Patricia Parnet
6 min readApr 28, 2024
Zwei Frauen in einem Labor, also mit einem technischen Beruf.
Visual created by Bing AI

Views are my own.

⚠️ Important: This is not an official information page and all details can change without notice. You can always find the latest details on the organizer’s website:

🔗 https://www.girls-day.de/

1. What is Girls’ Day and when is it held?

Unfortunately, the professional world is still strongly influenced by stereotypes: Women are still underrepresented in certain professions, particularly in technical fields such as computer science and natural sciences. The nation-wide Girls’ Day with the motto “future prospects for girls” was launched to counteract this trend — sponsored by several Federal institutions in Germany. Hopefully, many countries will follow.

Girls’ Day, an annual initiative in Germany, gives female students the chance to explore various professions that are traditionally dominated by men.

Participants do not have to go to school on this day, instead they can participate in career events organized by companies. This gives girls the unique opportunity to get to know different job profiles up close, ask questions and take a look “behind the scenes”.

The day takes place every year in April, usually on the fourth Thursday of the month. The next Girls’ Day 2025 will be on Thursday, April 3.

2. How old do I have to be for Girls’ Day?

Access to Girls’ Day is regulated by class: Participants must be in at least 5th grade. They can participate up to the 13th grade.

3. Is Girls’ Day only about STEM jobs, for example computer science, or also about other professions?

The Girls ‘Day focuses on all professions and fields of study in which the proportion of women is below 40%. Of course, the majority of the events take place in the STEM spectrum, but there are also countless other professions to discover! Girls have the opportunity to get to know the trades, fire department, police and much more. The aim of the day is ultimately to experience the diversity of the professional world and to overcome gender stereotypes. Female pupils should be encouraged to pursue their personal interests — regardless of traditional gender roles. That’s why it’s called Girls’ Day and not STEM Day (although that would also be an interesting approach).

4. Which companies take part in Girls’ Day and where can I find local activities?

A large number of companies across the country in various sectors take part in Girls’ Day. This could be a global corporation, a local craft business, a company from the SME sector or even a public authority. Typically, these are companies from the technology, research, trade, medical or specialized services sectors such as logistics. Well-known names include Microsoft, SAP, Cisco and IBM.

To find matching programs near you, you can visit the official Girls’ Day website or check in your region within Germany. Many companies also publish offers on their websites or on social media, nevertheless registration usually happens through the official Girls’ Day website. Spots are limited and fill up very quickly, so it’s best to register as early as possible. You can find offers here:

5. How often can I take part in Girls’ Day?

As far as I know, there is no limit for the actual Girls’ Day. I have already participated in two days as a student. However, be sure to discuss this topic with your parents and your school! It is important that you always register with different companies. You should only take part once per company, as you will always see something new and give other girls the chance to get to know this company. Take advantage of the many exciting offers, even if you may not know much about them at first!

6. Can boys also take part in Girls’ Day?

No, but there is a separate day for boys on the same date: Boy’s Day. Just like Girls’ Day, but for boys! On this day, they can get a taste of careers that are often chosen by women, such as nursing or education. Here too, the aim is to break down gender stereotypes and show that boys can be just as good in “typical female professions”.

7. Which opportunities do I have after Girls’ Day and how can I stay in touch with companies?

Girl’s Day is the start of your career! For example, I completed my student internship at the same company afterwards, inspired by this very day. It opens up various opportunities for you: Companies offer internships, dual study programs or apprenticeships. A part-time position alongside your studies could also be interesting: Here you can find out what a working student is and how to apply.

It’s a good idea to follow companies on Instagram or TikTok and visit their careers sites. You can also email them or get a LinkedIn account and get in touch there. Make notes about the people you have met — other participants could also be interesting connections. A direct line to the HR or vocational training department is particularly valuable. And don’t forget to thank them for taking part — a short email can make a good impression and perhaps help you find a job in a few years’ time!

8. What are the advantages of Girls’ Day?

Girl’s Day offers female students a lot of advantages! It gives you the chance to get a taste of professions that you may not yet know so well. The best thing about it is that you can talk directly to companies and experience first-hand what it’s like in the workplace. This allows you to find out early on what interests you and what doesn’t. Because it’s also good to know what you DON’T want, and that’s exactly what you’ll find out on this day. You will certainly get to know professions or skills that you didn’t even know about before. As a former participant, I can’t find any disadvantages.

You’ll also meet lots of new people and maybe even make a few contacts for the future. This means you don’t have to complete a long internship, but can gain insights in just a few hours. At the end of the day, the goal is for you to get an idea of the world of work and prepare for your future. So, head off to Girl’s Day and find out what you really enjoy!

9. How do I explain Girls’ Day to my school?

Girls’ Day has been around since 2001 and is now very well known. Your school or teachers should also have heard of it by now. All offers on the official website meet the high standards, plus you will find detailed instructions and materials that you need for your school online. Usually, you will also receive further information about the procedures from the respective company. Don’t forget to involve your parents too.

10. How can I register my company for Girls’ Day?

First, you should check the official Girls’ Day website to find out how and by when you can register. Then you can think about what activities or events you would like to organize for the participating students. You could arrange an open day, offer panels, workshops or talks, or even collaborate on small projects together.

Also remember to advertise your Girls’ Day event so that as many female students as possible find out about it — not just the daughters of employees. My recommendation: Don’t set the deadline for registration too early, as some girls only find out about it at short notice. Ultimately, it is important that you not only plan an exciting program, but also spread the appropriate mindset in the company to get more women into “male professions”. This way, you can attract diverse talent for the future on this day! However, it’s not just the offers on Girls’ Day that should be accessible, but also the job advertisements for future jobs or training opportunities. Read these 9 UX-tips for more inclusive job description.

. . .

Girls’ Day is a unique opportunity to get to know yourself better. I also took part in several Girls’ Days at school and can say with full confidence: I wouldn’t be where I am now in the tech industry without this unique experience. I definitely recommend that you sign up and tell your friends about it. It doesn’t matter if you go to the day alone — I didn’t know anyone there either and was part of the group right away.

Together, we can help to inspire more women for “male professions” and overcome gender stereotypes. Discover new perspectives and shape our future with your talents, inventions and creations!

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